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The Best Things I Done in New Zealand

New Zealand, Australia’s neighbours from across the ditch, or Tasman Sea if you want to get technical. Us Aussies love to make fun of our Kiwi neighbours. Everything from their absurd population of sheep, our superior performance in sports, ok maybe not rugby and of course their accents. In particular how they pronounce fish and chips.

After spending 2 weeks in New Zealand driving from Auckland in the north to Queenstown in the south. I have gained a new found respect for the kiwi people and the picturesque land they call Aotearoa (New Zealand in Māori).

My New Zealand trip was full of incredible activities which tested my bravery, educated me on Māori culture, got my heart racing and overall had me wanting more. In this post I want to share with you some of my favourite things I done in the 2 weeks I was in New Zealand.

Nevis Bungy Jump

Nevis Bungy jump


Queenstown in New Zealand’s south island is undoubtedly the adrenalin activity capital city… or town. With New Zealand being the birthplace of commercial bungy jumping thanks to AJ Hackett and with so many different jumps, I decided if there is a place to do it Queenstown would have to be the one.

Having never bungy jumped before, for some reason I felt as if I may as well do the biggest one in the country and so the Nevis it was. I made the commitment to friends and family back home to do it, so I wasn’t going to break my promise.

I managed to remain stress free all the way leading up to my jump until the part where I had to walk to the edge of the platform I would jump from. “Keep going” the instructor repeated as I shuffled my way towards the edge of the 134m drop.

My mindset was that no amount of worrying or stress would make the jump any easier. This mindset helped me remain calm allowing me to take the 134m jump into the Nevis river valley.

The free fall lasts around 8 seconds and from my experience the time I was falling didn’t give me that stomach sinking feeling we all know. It kind of felt like I was just free falling, really damn fast if that describes it. The scary part is when you approach the edge of the jumping platform and look down. The feeling of adrenaline and accomplishment once that bungy cord is fully extended is unlike anything I have ever felt in my life and made it all so worth it.

My tips to smashing the jump are to try your best to not worry or get stressed, remember no amount of worrying will help you complete the jump. Keep in mind that before you know it you will have completed the jump and be so proud and glad you did. When you are about to do the jump itself, it is best to do it on the first count down from the instructor. If you aren’t hard-core enough to do a great big extravagant dive it is best to just look out at the mountains and lean forward.

The Nevis Bungy Jump was an experience I will never forget and I am so glad I done it and can tick it off the list. When in New Zealand this an activity you have to give a go, and remember there are plenty of other smaller jumps throughout the entire country.

 Franz Josef Glacier Heli Hike

Franz Josef Glacier Heli Hike


Flying in a helicopter and hiking through a glacier were both new to me. So a tour that combined the two was always appealing to me. The tour I done was the glacier heli hike by Franz Josef Glacier Guides.

While the helicopter ride is quite short (about 5 minutes each way) the views of the Franz Josef glacier from the air put into perspective the size of this remarkable glacier. The thing I loved about the helicopter ride is the fact that you casually land directly on the ice. Well at least I found this cool.

The 3 hour hike through the glaciers narrow crevasse, ice tunnels and caves lead by the knowledgeable guide was a highlight of my New Zealand trip. The hike itself was not too physically challenging at all. For me being over 6 feet tall, the hardest part was getting low enough to fit through some of the ice caves.

Driving In New Zealand

Driving in New Zealand


New Zealand’s natural scenery completely blew my mind. Throughout the hours of driving from Auckland to Queenstown, I was constantly in awe of just how picturesque the landscapes were. While many of the drives from town to town where about 5 hours long. I never got bored, there was always incredible scenery to look at.

I really loved how quickly the landscapes would change. For example one minute you will be driving through open green pastures full of sheep, then through windy coastal roads with views of the ocean.

The highlight for me was driving in the south Island amongst the towering snow-capped mountains. There are always plenty of convenient stops along the way perfect for taking pictures and getting some fresh air while you take in the unbelievable scenery of New Zealand.

An unforgettable moment during the drive south towards Queenstown was the stop my cousin and I made at Lake Wanaka. WOW! My cousin and I agreed that this was the most picturesque place we had seen in our lives. We were lucky to get there on the perfect day weather wise. The lakes water so still it resembled glass. The water so clear you could see the pebbles at the bottom. Surrounded by the Alps of the South Island, Lake Wanaka is one place you must stop at during your New Zealand road trip.

Shotover Jet

Shotover Jet


Reaching speeds of up to 90km an hour, skimming over 10cm deep water and thrilling 360’s through the Shotover River is what you can expect taking a ride in a Shotover jet boat. The ride goes for about 25 minutes and throughout it I was ducking, swerving and gripping the handles tightly as the skilled driver purposely came within touching distance of the canyons rock face.

These jet boats are very powerful, equipped with twin v8 engines specifically designed to manoeuvre through the Shotover River. This in combination with some seriously skilled drivers makes for an adrenaline pumping activity you must do when in Queenstown. Seriously the drivers don’t hold back, I was trusting them with my life.

I recommend taking the instant replay option for an extra $19. This allows you to retake the ride straight after you finish your first ride. Do note that doing this in the winter may not be as enjoyable as in one of the warmer months. I done the tour during June and at the time the temperature was a cool 1 °C. This along with the cold air in my face forced me to close my eyes at times and my hands also got a little numb. So keep this in mind if you are planning on going in the winter.

Skyline Luge Queenstown 

Skyline Luge Queenstown


There’s no shortage of exhilarating activities to get the adrenaline pumping in Queenstown. The Skyline luge is a great one because you can go at your own pace. You are in complete control of how fast you make your way down the scenic luge track.

In my opinion this activity is great value, for $69 you get return rides on the gondola where you get the best views of Queenstown. The $69 option gives you 6 luge rides. The way the pricing works is for an additional $2 you get an extra luge ride. The difference from 2 rides to 6 is just $8.

For your first ride you have to do the beginner (blue track) to get a feel for riding the luge. After that you are free to go on to the red (advanced track) which features a steeper gradient, tunnels, dips and banked corners.

The carts are easy to ride and get the hang of making this a suitable activity for younger kids. Maybe just keep them on the beginner track so they don’t get in the way of us more serious riders!

There is no lack of daring activities and memorable experiences to have when in New Zealand, there really is something for everyone. These are just the 5 things that stood out to me during my 2 week New Zealand trip. I could list many others such as mountain biking through the Huka Falls trail, exploring Hobbition, experiencing Maori culture at Te Puia and sightseeing in Auckland and Wellington.

New Zealand definitely exceeded my expectations and is a destination I am already considering revisiting next year. I would love to hear your favourite activities when in New Zealand, feel free to leave a comment below.